Commercial Property Schedules of Condition and Dilapidations

Schedules of Condition & Dilapidations

There are several types of schedule which we can prepare to help landlords and tenants with leasehold properties:

  1. A schedule of condition prior to the start of a new lease.
  2. An interim schedule during the lease term to details items of disrepair which can then be issued with a Repair Notice to the current tenant, or which can form a record of condition when one tenant wishes to assign or sublet his/her lease.
  3. An interim schedule to identify breaches of covenant for service with a notice under The Law of Property Act 1925, section 146(1).
  4. A final schedule on expiry of a lease.
  5. A priced schedule for remedial works.
  6. A Scott schedule for claims being pursued through court action.
  7. Preparation of Quantified Claims and negotiations in accordance with the Dilapidations Protocol

Other matters dealt with under this heading are assessing claims for damages, negotiating settlements and arranging for the necessary repairs to be completed.